2pm – 3:30pm Sunday 16 August 2020,
Nga Manu Nature Reserve, 4 Nga Manu Reserve Road, Waikanae, or by Zoom.

This event is at the Robin’s Nest function room at Nga Manu Nature Reserve with FREE ADMISSION to the grounds for meeting attendees! Virtual attendance by Zoom is also at option. Message me (jake.roos@gmail.com) and I will provide a link. The link will also be sent to members by email.

We will have special guest speaker Dr Caroline Shaw, a Public Health Medicine Specialist and epidemiologist at the University of Otago. Her current research is at the interface of transport, health and climate change, particularly around the health opportunities offered by decarbonising the transport sector.
Talk synopsis: A public health perspective on transport, health, equity and carbon emissions
Reducing carbon emissions in the transport sector will be one of the great challenges of the next 30 years. The current transport system doesn’t serve many people well. It causes substantial ill-health and is inequitable in the distribution of both the benefits and the harms of the system. Transforming the transport system to become low carbon offers as a unique opportunity to think about the kind of transport system and cities we really want and to create a system that is healthier and fairer. This talk offers a perspective, from a public health viewpoint, on some of the key areas that we need to grapple with to start creating a better transport system that supports us all.
This is also our Annual General Meeting.
1) Receiving the minutes of the previous AGM
2) Chairperson’s report on the society’s activities
3) Treasurer’s report on the society’s finances
4) Election of a new committee
– Chairperson
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– 2 x general executive committee positions
Please contact davidyockney@gmail.com if you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for a committee position, or cast a proxy vote. The current nominees are:
– Jake Roos (chairperson)
– David Yockney (secretary)
– Jean Fleming (general exec)
– Asher Wilson-Goldman (general exec)
Donations (and baking!) for the event gratefully received.