UPDATE 8 Feb 2023 – The government has cancelled the NZ Biofuels Obligation – WE WON!
Congratulations to all our supporters, we couldn’t have done it without you!
Campaign info and resources
We are a group of New Zealanders who oppose the proposed biofuels obligation which the government plans to use to put biofuels in cars, trucks, trains and ships in Aotearoa NZ. Our opposition comes from overwhelming evidence that:
– similar biofuel directives around the world have caused massive net increases in greenhouse gas emissions compared to using regular fuel,
– growing the feedstocks for biofuel drives tropical deforestation, destroying biodiversity, increasing emissions and depriving indigenous people of their land and livelihoods,
– it drives up food prices, as biofuels are derived from food crops. Food price increases cause material hardship for the most vulnerable people around the world.
– Non-food ‘second generation’ biofuels, or those derived from waste are not available in the necessary volumes, or at all. Introducing a biofuels obligation will not change this.
As well as all this, introducing a biofuel directive will use up scarce resources and time that are needed for meaningful climate action.
We are calling on the government to drop its plans for its biofuels obligation and concentrate its efforts to address transport and energy emissions using methods that are proven to work, such as renewable energy, electrification, increased public and active transport, rail freight and coastal shipping and demand reduction policies.
Low Carbon Kāpiti supports this campaign and hosts its resources and blogs.
Sustainable Biofuels Obligation Bill info and submissions on NZ Parliament website
How we stopped the Biofuels Obligation – Greenpeace guest blog
What our supporters have to say about the NZ Biofuels Obligation
Biofuels in NZ – A solution or a problem? – blog by David Keat on Greater Auckland
Frequently asked questions about the NZ Biofuels Obligation and our campaign
About us and the Don’t Burn Our Future campaign – Greenpeace guest blog
Can We Use Wood to Decarbonize New Zealand Transport… or Not? – blog by Don’t Burn Our Future