Low Carbon Kāpiti and the Kāpiti Climate Change Action Group have worked together to put forward a list of Kāpiti-specific ideas for building a more sustainable and liveable society that is secure for future generations. We urge Kāpiti Coast District Council to adopt these principles and proposals for action.
Please sign this open letter to the Kāpiti Coast District Council if you support these proposals and the goals they aim to help achieve.
Sign here on Change.org!
There has never been a more important time to show we are united in wanting to protect this one planet that we share, to ensure we are able to pass on a liveable planet to the next generation. Here is the full document with benefits of each proposal listed.
Our list is based on the following principles:
- All policy and infrastructure developments help make us more resilient to climate change and prepare us for a sustainable future.
- Projects are based on sound environmental principles.
- Projects have new and future-focused job creation opportunities through the development of renewable resources and “green” technologies.
- KCDC ensures climate change is considered for relevance in all council decisions and addressed wherever necessary.
- Councils to use the new powers coming under the RMA changes to regulate emissions.
In addition, we subscribe to the ‘Principles for a Just Transition’ put forward by 350 Aotearoa, which can be found here: https://350.org.nz/just_recovery/